The Muzaffarpur Railway Police is conducting a continuous campaign against a gang involved in mobile snatching and drug trafficking, based on information from Gupta Intelligence. As part of this series, one cunning member of the gang who snatched phones from train passengers has been arrested. Additionally, another criminal has been apprehended based on the confidential information, and four stolen mobile phones have been recovered from him. The police are conducting raids to arrest his other accomplices.
The Muzaffarpur Railway Police has intensified its efforts to curb criminal activities on trains, particularly mobile snatching and drug trafficking. With the help of Gupta Intelligence, they have launched a campaign against a gang involved in these activities. As a result, one member of the gang who was involved in snatching phones from train passengers has been arrested. The police have also apprehended another criminal based on confidential information, and they have recovered four stolen mobile phones from him. They are currently conducting raids to arrest the other members of the gang.
The Railway Police in Muzaffarpur has been actively working to combat the issue of mobile snatching and drug trafficking on trains. They have been running a continuous campaign against a gang involved in these activities, based on information provided by Gupta Intelligence. As part of this effort, they have successfully apprehended one cunning member of the gang who was snatching phones from train passengers. Additionally, another criminal has been arrested based on confidential information, and the police have recovered four stolen mobile phones from him. They are now conducting raids to arrest the remaining members of the gang.
The Muzaffarpur Railway Police has launched a sustained operation against a gang involved in mobile snatching and drug trafficking, following information provided by Gupta Intelligence. As part of this operation, they have arrested a clever member of the gang who was snatching phones from train passengers. Furthermore, based on the confidential information, they have also apprehended another criminal and recovered four stolen mobile phones from him. The police are currently conducting raids to apprehend the other accomplices of these criminals.
मुजफ्फरपुर रेल पुलिस ने एक नशा खुरानी गिरोह के सदस्य को गिरफ्तार किया है, जो ट्रेन में यात्रियों को लूट रहा था। उसके साथ चोरी के चार मोबाइल भी बरामद किए गए हैं। अन्य सदस्यों की गिरफ्तारी के लिए छापेमारी भी जारी है।