Sonpur Mela, the largest livestock fair in Asia, is known not only for the sale of animals like elephants, horses, and goats, but also for its special market for dogs. This dedicated area for dog trading attracts breeders from Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh who sell various breeds from different countries. Buyers have the opportunity to choose from a range of dogs, with prices ranging from 5,000 to 90,000 rupees. However, it is important to consider the value for money when purchasing a dog.
At Sonpur Mela, dogs of breeds such as Pariyahi, Indian Spitz, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Pug, German Shepherd, Beagle, and Great Dane are commonly sold in Bihar. The fair offers dogs of all sizes, including large-sized ones, with the highest demand being for the Great Dane breed, which is priced at 90,000 rupees. Breeders like Mr. Ansari bring imported dogs of the Great Dane breed, which are considered the most expensive. The demand for Great Dane dogs has been increasing at the fair, making them highly valuable.
If you are planning to buy a dog, Dr. Pradeep Kumar, a dog owner, advises considering certain factors. For instance, the size of the dog should be chosen based on the size of your home and your requirements. If you have a small home, it is recommended to have a less active dog. On the other hand, if you have a larger home, you can accommodate a more active and larger-sized dog. Additionally, safety and the breed’s suitability for your needs should also be taken into account. If you raise the dog from its puppyhood, it becomes well acquainted with you and your family. It is also important to gather information about the dog’s energy level before making a purchase.
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एशिया के सबसे बड़े सोनपुर पशु मेले में कुत्तों की खास बाजारी होती है। इस मेले में बिहार, झारखंड, और उत्तर प्रदेश से लोग देश-विदेश की कई नस्लों के कुत्तों के व्यापारी शामिल होते हैं। यहां लोग 5000 से लेकर 90,000 तक के कुत्ते खरीद सकते हैं। मेले में सबसे ज्यादा ग्रेडेन नस्ल के कुत्ते की डिमांड है और इसकी कीमत 90,000 रुपए है। कुत्ता खरीदते समय उसके साइज, जरूरत, ब्रीड आदि का ध्यान रखना चाहिए। इसके अलावा उसके एनर्जी लेवल की जानकारी भी लेनी चाहिए।