Kishanganj (Bihar): Balu mafia attacked the employees of the mining department in Kishanganj. The video of this incident surfaced on Wednesday. The incident took place in the Chamrani Ghat area of the Pothia police station. The team had reached to inspect the illegally stored sand by the mining mafia.

The video shows some people assaulting the department employees.

The mining department employees had gone to inspect the illegally stored sand by the mining mafia. The incident took place in the Chamrani Ghat area of the Pothia police station. The video of the incident went viral on Wednesday. The video shows some people assaulting the department employees.

The incident took place in Kishanganj, Bihar, where the employees of the mining department were attacked by the balu mafia. The video of the incident was made public on Wednesday. The incident occurred in the Chamrani Ghat area under the jurisdiction of the Pothia police station. The team had gone to inspect the illegally stored sand by the mining mafia. The video shows some people assaulting the department employees.

In Kishanganj, Bihar, the balu mafia carried out an attack on the employees of the mining department. The video of the incident was released on Wednesday. The incident occurred in the Chamrani Ghat area under the jurisdiction of the Pothia police station. The team had gone to inspect the illegally stored sand by the mining mafia. The video shows some people assaulting the department employees.

बिहार के किशनगंज में बालू माफिया ने खनन विभाग के कर्मियों पर हमला किया है। यह घटना पोठिया थाना क्षेत्र के चमरानी घाट में हुई है। वीडियो में कुछ लोग विभाग के कर्मियों को खदेड़ रहे हैं। टीम खनन माफिया के अवैध रूप से भंडारण किए गए बालू की जांच करने पहुंची थी।

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