Medicinal Benefits of Genda Flower
The government in Bihar is encouraging the cultivation of genda (marigold) flowers, with many farmers now growing them in large numbers. While genda flowers are commonly known for their decorative and religious uses, they also possess medicinal properties. The anti-fungal, anti-allergic, and antioxidant properties found in genda flowers can help in treating various skin issues, as well as serious diseases like cancer and tumors.
Healing Properties of Genda Flower
In Begusarai, Ayurvedic specialist Dr. Raman Jha has been treating people for the past 20 years using genda flowers as medicine. He has found that genda flowers are particularly effective in treating complex diseases that do not respond to allopathic medicine. The use of indigenous genda flowers has been especially beneficial, with the flower’s juice being used to treat fungal infections effectively.
Various Uses of Genda Flower
Genda flowers can provide relief from conditions like fungal infections, dandruff, scalp issues, and menstrual cramps. Applying genda flower juice on dark areas of the skin can help in treating skin conditions, while using genda flower water as a hair spray can promote healthy scalp and hair. Additionally, drinking genda flower tea can alleviate period pain in women. Genda flowers can also be used to relieve toothaches by preparing a decoction and rinsing the mouth with it.
बिहार में सरकार गेंदा के फूल की बागवानी को प्रोत्साहित कर रही है और किसानों को भी इसमें रुचि दिखा रहे हैं. गेंदे के फूल में तमाम औषधीय गुण पाए जाते हैं जो कई बीमारियों के इलाज में मददगार साबित होते हैं. बेगूसराय में डॉ . रमन झा ने लोकल 18 से बातचीत की और बताया कि वे गेंदे के फूल का उपयोग अपने मरीजों के इलाज में कर रहे हैं. इसके अलावा, गेंदे के फूल से छुट्टी अगर आप त्वचा के डार्क एरिया पर मौजूद दाद खाज और खुजली से परेशान हैं, तो गेंदे के फूल का इस्तेमाल कर सकते हैं. गेंदे के फूल के औषधीय गुणों का इस्तेमाल करके आप अपने स्वास्थ्य को बेहतर बना सकते हैं।