In Lakhisarai, Bihar, a disturbed lover shot and killed six members of a family who were returning home from Chhath Ghat. Three of them died, and their bodies were taken to the crematorium. There are rumors circulating that the sister-in-law of the deceased Durga Kumari, named Preity Jha, has also died, but the family has denied these rumors, stating that Preity Jha is in critical condition and receiving treatment at PMCH. The main suspect, Ashish Chaudhary, has not been arrested yet, but two others involved in the incident have been apprehended. The police are conducting raids to locate the main suspect.
The incident has raised questions about the police’s handling of the case, with opposition leader Vijay Kumar Sinha criticizing the government and local administration for their negligence. He accused the local police of ignoring a complaint filed by the victims’ family two years ago, which might have prevented the tragedy. The letter found at the scene of the crime before the murders occurred indicated the perpetrator’s intent and mentioned that he alone was responsible for whatever happened or would happen. It ended with a statement about the need for peace and tranquility, hinting at the upcoming rampage.
The SP of Lakhisarai revealed that Ashish Chaudhary was involved in a love affair with a young woman from the victim’s family for almost three years. He wanted to marry her, but her family did not approve. There had been a dispute between Ashish and the family a few days ago. In a fit of anger, he carried out the shooting when the woman and her family were returning from Chhath Ghat on Monday.