The Janata Dal United (JDU), led by Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, is organizing a major event called Bhim Sansad to reach out to the marginalized and Dalit communities and secure their votes. The event is being held at the Veterinary College ground in Patna on Sunday and will see participation from people belonging to the Dalit community from across the state. The JDU has made all the necessary preparations for the event, with several important leaders and ministers, including CM Nitish Kumar, expected to attend. It is believed that through this event, Nitish Kumar will try to appeal to the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe voters of the state. Political pundits suggest that through Bhim Sansad, Nitish Kumar will respond to the Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) leader Chirag Paswan and BJP’s caste-based politics. The event is being organized on the initiative of Building Construction Minister Ashok Choudhary. However, the event was initially scheduled for November 5 but was postponed for some reason.

जनता दल यूनाईटेड, जिसके नेता नीतीश कुमार हैं, पिछड़े और दलित समुदाय के वोट को साधने के लिए भीम संसद का आयोजन कर रही है। इस कार्यक्रम में नीतीश कुमार समेत कई वरिष्ठ नेता और मंत्री शामिल होंगे। इसके माध्यम से राज्य के अनुसूचित जाति और जनजाति के वोटरों को साधने की कोशिश की जाएगी। इसके साथ ही, इस कार्यक्रम के माध्यम से लोजपा के प्रमुख चिराग पासवान और भाजपा की जाति आधारित राजनीति को जवाब दिया जाएगा। कार्यक्रम का आयोजन भवन निर्माण मंत्री अशोक चौधरी की पहल पर किया जा रहा है।

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