Bihar BJP has appointed Lok Sabha Prabhari for all 40 Lok Sabha constituencies in Bihar. The list of these Prabharis has been released by the state office in accordance with the instructions of the state president, Samrat Chaudhary. These Prabharis will now be responsible for organizing and preparing the party in their respective constituencies. The list includes names such as Akhilesh Kumar Singh for Balmiki Nagar, Shailendra Mishra for West Champaran, Ashok Sahni for East Champaran, Siyaram Shah for Shivhar, Neeraj Gupta for Jhanjharpur, and Sunil Kumar for Supaul, among others.
The political scenario in Bihar has changed this time. BJP is not in alliance with JDU, which is now part of the Mahagathbandhan along with RJD, Congress, and other parties. In addition, former CM Jitan Ram Manjhi and rebel JDU leader Upendra Kushwaha have formed their own parties. The opposition is attempting to unite against the NDA to defeat them in the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. The I-N-D-I-A alliance has held several meetings, and their strategies can shape the future political landscape.
Currently, there are several political issues in Bihar, including caste surveys and reservation. The state government conducted a caste survey and presented the report in the Vidhan Sabha. Based on this report, the reservation quota in Bihar has been increased from 60% to 75%. While the Nitish Kumar government is supporting the survey, the opposition, including JDU and RJD, is criticizing the central government. There is also a legal petition against the extended reservation range, with BJP and the state government defending their actions. Additionally, the issue of liquor prohibition has also become a political matter.
During his visit to Bihar, Amit Shah, the former national president of BJP, is working towards ensuring victory on all 40 seats for NDA. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, when BJP and JDU were in alliance, NDA won 39 out of 40 seats. This time, Amit Shah is leaving no stone unturned to
बिहार भाजपा ने मिशन 40 के लिए एक कदम आगे बढ़ाया है और सभी 40 लोकसभा क्षेत्रों के लिए लोकसभा प्रभारी नियुक्त कर दी है। इन 40 चेहरों के ऊपर भाजपा ने संगठन की तैयारी का भार सौंपा है। इस सूची में अनेक नेताओं को बिहार के विभिन्न लोकसभा क्षेत्रों का प्रभारी बनाया गया है। इसके अलावा, बिहार में जातीय सर्वे और आरक्षण सियासी मुद्दों पर भी चर्चा हो रही है। यहां पर बिहार सरकार ने आरक्षण के दायरे को 60 प्रतिशत से बढ़ाकर 75 प्रतिशत कर दिया है। इसके साथ ही, विपक्षी दलों ने भी गठबंधन