Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Deputy Chief Minister Tejashwi Yadav will be visiting Munger on November 25. They will be laying the foundation stone of the Munger Medical College, which will be built near Sandalpur in the Bank Panchayat area under the jurisdiction of the Mufassil Thana region. The ceremony will see the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister personally performing the groundbreaking.
The Munger Medical College is an important project for the development of healthcare facilities in the region. This initiative will provide better medical services to the people of Munger and surrounding areas. The foundation laying ceremony is expected to mark the beginning of construction for the college, which will cater to the healthcare needs of the local population.
The event will also be attended by Munger’s Member of Parliament along with members of the Janata Dal United party. This project is seen as a significant step towards improving healthcare infrastructure in the region. The Munger Medical College will not only enhance medical services but will also provide employment opportunities for the local population.
Overall, the visit of the Chief Minister and Deputy Chief Minister to Munger signifies the government’s commitment to the development of healthcare facilities in Bihar. The Munger Medical College will play a crucial role in providing quality healthcare services to the people and contributing to the overall progress of the region.