Shocking Mistake by Education Department in Jamui
Recently, the Education Department in Jamui issued a letter taking action against teachers based on bed (bad) performance instead of bed (bed) performance. This mistake was similar to a previous error where spelling mistakes in English words led to a change in meaning.
Language Error in Official Communication
In a recent letter, the Education Department chose to use Hindi language instead of English for communication. However, the letter contained several errors in Hindi, highlighting the department’s lack of proficiency in both languages. Despite the change in language, the department continued to make mistakes in addressing teachers.
Repeated Errors by Education Department
The Education Department in Jamui previously issued letters incorrectly addressing teachers instead of schools. This mistake led to disciplinary action against teachers based on inaccurate information. The department’s repeated errors in official communication reflect a lack of attention to detail and may result in consequences for those responsible.
गुलशन कश्यप/ जमुई के शिक्षा विभाग ने फिर से शिक्षकों के खिलाफ एक गलती की है, जिसमें पत्र में हिंदी भाषा के इस्तेमाल में भी गलती हुई है। शिक्षा विभाग ने विद्यालय के नाम की जगह शिक्षकों के नाम लिख दिए गए और इसकी वजह से पत्र निर्गत कर दिया गया। इस गलती की जांच के बाद, ऑपरेटर को हटाने की बात की गई है।