Bihar: KK Pathak orders DM to reinstate guest teachers in government schools

The Education Minister of Bihar, KK Pathak, has ordered the District Magistrate (DM) to reinstate guest teachers in government schools across the state. The decision comes after a prolonged period of uncertainty for these teachers, who were previously informed that their services would be terminated. This move is expected to provide relief to thousands of guest teachers who were facing unemployment.

Guest teachers are contractual employees hired by the government to fill vacancies in schools. They play a crucial role in providing quality education to students, especially in rural areas where there is a shortage of permanent teachers. However, their employment status has been a matter of contention, with many guest teachers demanding permanent positions with job security.

The order by KK Pathak is a significant step towards addressing the concerns of guest teachers. The decision to reinstate them in government schools is expected to improve the quality of education and ensure continuity in teaching. It will also provide much-needed job security to these teachers, who have been working tirelessly to educate students despite the uncertainty surrounding their employment.

In conclusion, the Education Minister’s decision to reinstate guest teachers in government schools is a welcome move that will benefit both the teachers and the students. It will not only provide job security to the teachers but also contribute to the overall improvement of the education system in Bihar. With this order, the government has acknowledged the importance of guest teachers and their invaluable contribution to the education sector.

News Summary:
– KK Pathak, the Education Minister of Bihar, has ordered the District Magistrate to reinstate guest teachers in government schools.
– Guest teachers are contractual employees who fill vacancies in schools and have been facing uncertainty regarding their employment.
– This decision is expected to improve the quality of education and provide job security to guest teachers.
– The move is a significant step towards addressing the concerns of these teachers and acknowledging their contribution to the education sector.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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