West Champaran’s Vivak Priyadarshi, who rejected a job offer abroad, is now engaged in organic farming in his village. Vivak Priyadarshi, a resident of Bihar, received a lucrative job offer from a foreign country but decided to turn it down in order to contribute to his village and promote organic farming. He believed that by investing his time and efforts in agriculture, he could not only improve the quality of crops but also inspire other farmers to adopt organic farming practices.

Vivak Priyadarshi’s decision to prioritize his village’s development and promote organic farming has garnered attention and appreciation from many. He firmly believes that organic farming can not only provide healthier and chemical-free produce but also help in conserving the environment. Priyadarshi’s dedication to his village and his determination to make a positive impact has earned him admiration from the local community.

By choosing to reject a well-paying job abroad and dedicating himself to organic farming, Vivak Priyadarshi has set an example for others to follow. His decision highlights the importance of sustainable agriculture practices and the potential benefits it can bring to rural communities. Priyadarshi’s story serves as a reminder of the significance of supporting local farmers and promoting environmentally friendly practices in order to build a better future for all.

चंपारण के विवेक प्रियदर्शी ने विदेश में नौकरी का ऑफर ठुकराकर गांव में जैविक खेती करने का फैसला किया है। उन्होंने यह फैसला लेते हुए अपने परिवार के साथ गांव में वापस आने का निर्णय लिया है। यह खबर पश्चिमी चंपारण के लोगों के लिए गर्व का विषय है और यह दिखाती है कि जैविक खेती को अग्रसर बनाने के लिए लोगों में उत्साह है। [Translation: Vivak Priyadarshi from West Champaran has rejected a job offer abroad and decided to do organic farming in his village. Making this decision, he has returned to the village with his family. This news is a matter of pride for the people of West Champaran and it shows the enthusiasm among people to promote organic farming.]

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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