Bihar government minister Shravan Kumar has taken a strong dig at the BJP. He clearly stated that there is no difference between their government’s words and actions. He emphasized that their party always stands for the Dalits. There is a lot of turmoil within the BJP regarding the 2024 elections, as they are worried about their popularity. Additionally, he also criticized Chirag Paswan.
Minister Shravan Kumar’s comments highlight the lack of integrity in the BJP’s governance. He points out that their words do not align with their actions, implying that the party does not prioritize the welfare of the Dalit community. This criticism comes at a crucial time for the BJP, as they are facing concerns about their popularity leading up to the 2024 elections. It seems that their own members are worried about the party’s performance.
Furthermore, Minister Shravan Kumar’s criticism extends to Chirag Paswan, who has also faced backlash. The exact details of his criticism towards Chirag Paswan are not mentioned in the given text. However, it can be inferred that Kumar’s comments are part of a larger critique towards the BJP and its members. This situation highlights the internal conflicts and tensions within the party, which may have repercussions in the upcoming elections.
In Short, Minister Shravan Kumar’s comments serve as a strong critique against the BJP and its governance. He points out the discrepancy between their words and actions and emphasizes that the party does not effectively support the Dalit community. Additionally, his criticism extends to Chirag Paswan, further adding to the tensions within the BJP. These remarks come at a crucial time as the party faces concerns about their popularity leading up to the 2024 elections.