Bihar NDA Awaits Final Shape for Lok Sabha Elections

The Bihar NDA is eagerly awaiting the final shape for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, with seat sharing announcements expected in the next one or two days. A meeting was held at the BJP headquarters in Delhi, where discussions were held regarding all BJP quotas in Bihar. Once the alliance’s structure is finalized, the BJP will announce its seat allocations, with ongoing discussions between different leaders of the allied parties.

Bihar Core Group Members Meet at BJP Headquarters

During the CEC meeting, all members of the Bihar Core Group were present at the BJP headquarters in Delhi. Discussions were held on the seat allocations for all BJP quotas in Bihar, with an agreement reached to finalize the alliance structure before announcing the BJP’s seat allocations. The party hopes to finalize the alliance structure within two to three days through ongoing discussions with allied party leaders.

CEC Meeting Discusses Candidates for Bihar’s 17 Seats

The Central Election Committee meeting included discussions on candidates for all 17 seats in Bihar that were won in the previous election. Like last time, all allied parties in Bihar may announce candidates together for all seats, with the possibility of some seat swaps. The political landscape in Bihar is expected to see further developments as the election approaches.

बिहार के लोकसभा चुनाव के लिए भाजपा कोर ग्रुप की बीजेपी मुख्यालय में बैठक में बीजेपी के सभी सदस्यों ने चर्चा की और गठबंधन का स्वरूप तय करने का इंतजार है। सूत्रों के मुताबिक, गठबंधन का स्वरूप फाइनल होने के बाद बीजेपी सीटों का ऐलान करेगी। दो से तीन दिन में गठबंधन का ऐलान होने की उम्मीद है। इसके साथ ही केंद्रीय चुनाव समिति की बैठक में पिछले बार जीते सभी 17 सीटों पर उम्मीदवारों के नामों पर चर्चा भी हुई है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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