Bihar Police Recruitment 2023 exam date, which was previously cancelled, is expected to be announced soon. The Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) is likely to release the revised exam date. Once the new date is announced, candidates can check it on the official website of CSBC, The original schedule had planned for the exams to be held on October 1, 7, and 15, but only the October 1 exam took place.
Earlier, on October 3, the board had issued a public notice stating that the exams scheduled for October 1 (both shifts) have been cancelled. The board explained that this decision was taken because several candidates were found to be using unfair means during the examination. It also postponed the exams scheduled for October 7 and 15 until further notice, stating that the announcement of new dates will be made later through the website and newspapers.
Despite three months passing since then, no new notice has been issued regarding this matter. The board may soon release new admit cards as well. The Bihar Police Constable admit card was previously released, but it is expected to be reissued due to the change in exam dates. Through this recruitment campaign, a total of 21,391 constable positions will be filled in the Bihar Police. Candidates can check the Bihar Police Constable Recruitment exam date by visiting the official website of CSBC,, and clicking on the Bihar Police tab. They can then click on the notification for the new exam date and download the PDF to check the revised date.
In summary, the Bihar Police Recruitment 2023 exam date is likely to be announced soon, with the Central Selection Board of Constable (CSBC) expected to release the revised date. Candidates can check the new date on the official website of CSBC,, once it is announced. The exams, originally scheduled for October 1, 7, and 15, were affected by the cancellation of the October 1 exam due to the use of unfair means by some candidates. No new notice has been issued regarding the exam date since then, but the board may soon release new admit cards. This recruitment campaign aims to fill 21,391 constable positions in the Bihar Police.
बिहार पुलिस कांस्टेबल की भर्ती परीक्षा की नई तारीख जल्द ही जारी होने की संभावना है। इसके लिए CSBC जल्द ही रिवाइज्ड डेट जारी कर सकता है। बोर्ड ने पहले ही 1 अक्टूबर की परीक्षा रद्द कर दी थी और बाकी परीक्षाओं को भी स्थगित कर दिया था। उम्मीदवार नई डेट की जानकारी के लिए CSBC की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर जांच कर सकते हैं। इस भर्ती अभियान के माध्यम से बिहार पुलिस में 21,391 कांस्टेबल पदों पर भर्ती होगी। नए एडमिट कार्डों की भी जल्द ही जारी होने की उम्मीद है।