Bihar Weather Report: Michaung Toofan Impact

Due to the impact of Michaung Toofan, there are chances of scattered rainfall in southern Bihar on the 6th and 7th of December. However, most parts of the state will remain cloudy. From the 8th of December, there is a possibility of a gradual increase in minimum temperatures by two to three degrees Celsius in the state. This information has been shared by IMD.

Rain Traces in Districts

Due to the impact of Michaung, traces of rain have been recorded in districts such as Patna, Darbhanga, Bhagalpur, Gaya, Supaul, Dehri, Muzaffarpur, and Purnia. However, this rainfall has been minimal. According to IMD, there are chances of light rainfall in the next two days in South-West, South-Central, and South-East Bihar.

Michaung Toofan Impact on Bihar

Michaung Toofan has brought some relief in terms of rainfall to parts of Bihar, but the impact has been minimal. The state can expect cloudy weather in most regions, with the possibility of light rainfall in southern Bihar in the coming days. IMD has also predicted a slight increase in minimum temperatures from the 8th of December.

IMD’s Weather Forecast

According to IMD, there are chances of scattered rainfall in southern Bihar for the next two days. The districts of South-West, South-Central, and South-East Bihar may experience light rainfall. Meanwhile, the minimum temperatures in the state are expected to gradually increase by two to three degrees Celsius from the 8th of December. This weather update has been shared by IMD.

बिहार में मिचौंग तूफान के प्रभाव से छह और सात दिसंबर को दक्षिणी बिहार में बारिश की संभावना है। इसके बावजूद, राज्य के अधिकांश हिस्सों में बादल छाए रहेंगे। आठ दिसंबर से राज्य में न्यूनतम तापमान में थोड़ी वृद्धि होने की संभावना है। मिचौंग के प्रभाव से पटना, दरभंगा, भागलपुर, गया, सुपौल, डेहरी, मुजफ्फरपुर और पूर्णिया जैसे जिलों में बारिश के आसार हैं। यहां केवल थोड़ी बूंदाबांदी हुई है। इसके अलावा दक्षिण-पश्चिम, दक्षिण-मध्य और दक्षिण-पूर्व बिहार में अगले दो दिनों तक हल्की बारिश की संभावना है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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