Title: Chain Snatcher Beaten by Angry Mob in Gaya; Accomplice Escapes

In a shocking incident in Gaya, Bihar, a chain snatcher was caught by the public and beaten up after he tried to snatch gold chains from two women returning from a puja at a Jain temple. The incident took place on Jain Mandir Road in the Kotwali Thana area. The accused was riding a bike while his accomplice managed to escape with the stolen chains.

Paragraph 1:
The incident occurred when two women were returning from a puja at a Jain temple in Gaya. As they were walking, a chain snatcher riding a bike targeted them and attempted to snatch their gold chains. However, alert and courageous onlookers managed to catch hold of the chain snatcher and gave him a severe beating. This incident has left the accused injured and in a critical condition.

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Upon receiving information about the incident, the police rushed to the scene and immediately admitted the accused to the hospital for medical treatment. The police have launched a search operation to apprehend the escaped accomplice who managed to flee with the stolen chains. The incident has caused a sense of panic and fear among the local residents.

Paragraph 3:
The stolen bike used by the accused in the chain snatching incident was found to be a stolen vehicle itself. It had collided with an auto-rickshaw during the escape, further complicating the situation. The police have taken possession of the stolen bike and are investigating its origins to gather more information about the accused and his criminal activities.

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The incident has once again highlighted the need for increased security measures and vigilance in public places. The incident took place near a religious site, emphasizing the importance of ensuring safety for worshippers and residents alike. The police are determined to apprehend the escaped accomplice and bring him to justice, providing a sense of relief to the affected victims and the community as a whole.

ऑटो से टकराने के बाद घायल हो गयी थी। इसके बाद वह दौड़ते हुए जैन मंदिर के पास पहुंचा और वहां से दो महिलाओं से सोने की चेन चुराने की कोशिश की। लोगों ने उसे पकड़ लिया और पिटाई कर दी, जिससे वह घायल हो गया। पुलिस ने उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया है और उसकी तलाश में जुट गई है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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