Gobindpur: District Rural BJP celebrated the victory in the elections in three states on Monday. Led by District President Gyanranjan Sinha, a procession was taken out from Hardew Ram Smriti Bhavan with great pomp and show. The procession concluded at Subhash Chowk, where fireworks were set off and sweets were distributed. MLA Aparna Sengupta from Nirsa and MLA Narayan Das from Deoghar were also present, along with Rmjit Singh, Tara Devi, Ghanashyam Grover, Ramesh Mahato, Dinesh Singh, Nitay Rajwar, Minister Firoj Datta, Sanjay Mahato, Amar Mandal, Ratiranjan Giri, Avadh Chaudhary, Sujit Chaudhary, and others.
The procession was taken out by the District Rural BJP to celebrate its electoral victory in three states. The procession started from Hardew Ram Smriti Bhavan and ended at Subhash Chowk, where fireworks were set off and sweets were distributed to the people. MLA Aparna Sengupta from Nirsa and MLA Narayan Das from Deoghar were also present at the event, along with several other prominent leaders of the party.
The procession was led by District President Gyanranjan Sinha, who played a crucial role in the party’s electoral victory in the three states. The procession was attended by a large number of party workers and supporters, who joined in the celebrations with great enthusiasm. MLA Aparna Sengupta and MLA Narayan Das also participated in the procession, along with several other leaders of the party.
The event was attended by a number of prominent leaders of the party, including Rmjit Singh, Tara Devi, Ghanashyam Grover, Ramesh Mahato, Dinesh Singh, Nitay Rajwar, Minister Firoj Datta, Sanjay Mahato, Amar Mandal, Ratiranjan Giri, Avadh Chaudhary, Sujit Chaudhary, and others. The celebration was marked by fireworks and the distribution of sweets, symbolizing the joy and victory of the party in the elections in three states.
देश की राजनीति में नई हलचल मची हुई है। तीन राज्यों में हुए चुनावों में भाजपा ने बड़ी जीत दर्ज की है और इस बात की खुशी में देशभर में धूमधाम मच रही है। इसी बात का जश्न मनाते हुए देश के एक जिले में भाजपा नेता ज्ञानरंजन सिन्हा के नेतृत्व में एक जुलूस निकाला गया। इस जुलूस में भाजपा के कई नेता और समर्थक शामिल थे। इसके अलावा जुलूस में फटाके भी फोड़े गए और मिठाइयां बांटी गईं। इसके साथ ही देशभर में भाजपा के चुनावी जीत पर उत्साह और जश्न बढ़ा हुआ है।