Successful Blood Donation Camp Organized

So far, 40 units of blood have been collected. To address the shortage of blood donation in Purnia, the Youth Awareness Forum organized the 55th blood donation camp. People actively participated in this event. The aim of the blood donation camp is to address the shortage of blood. Thalassemia, dialysis, and other serious patients require blood.

Event Inauguration and Participation

The blood donation camp was inaugurated by lighting a lamp. The President, Pawan Kumar Chaudhary, inaugurated the event at a wedding hall in the local Rajni Chowk. The inauguration was done by lighting a lamp by the President of the Youth Awareness Forum, Pawan Kumar Chaudhary, also known as Kartik Chaudhary. The camp saw active participation from young men and women, showcasing their support.

Collection of Blood Units

Providing information, the President of the Youth Awareness Forum, Pawan Kumar Chaudhary, stated that people in the city have been struggling with blood shortages for a long time. In view of this, the Youth Awareness Forum organized the 55th blood donation camp. So far, 40 units of blood have been collected, which will be stored in the Red Cross. This will make blood available not only to thalassemia patients but also to dialysis and other seriously ill individuals, potentially saving lives.

Importance of Blood Donation

Sanjay Sinha and Shahnavaz Akbar, who came to donate blood, mentioned that they regularly donate blood every 6 to 8 months. They started donating blood when they were in college. There are often misconceptions in people’s minds about blood donation, but the truth is that it helps remove impurities from the blood, maintaining iron levels in the body. This reduces the risk of heart diseases and certain types of cancer, such as liver cancer. Blood donation improves blood flow in the body, leading to overall health benefits. Therefore, by donating blood and potentially saving lives, individuals perform a noble deed.

पूर्णिया से रक्तदान की कमी को दूर करने युवा जागृति मंच ने 55वे रक्तदान शिविर का आयोजन किया है, जिसमें बढ़-चढ़कर हिस्सा लिया गया है। इस शिविर का उद्देश्य खून की कमी को दूर करना है और इसमें अब तक 40 यूनिट रक्त का संग्रह हो चुका है। शिविर में युवा-युवती, नौजवानों ने भागीदारी दिखाई है और इसे रेडक्रॉस में संग्रह किया जाएगा। रक्तदान करने से शरीर में रक्त का प्रवाह बेहतर होता है और आपके स्वास्थ्य में सुधार आता है। इस तरह रक्तदान करने वाले लोग किसी की जिंदगी बचाते हैं और पुण्य का काम करते हैं।

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