In Patna, the bodies of a young man and woman were found on Thursday morning. Both bodies were recovered near a field in Khiri Mor Mandari village in the Paliganj sub-district. The victims were shot and killed by unknown assailants. The news of the double murder has created a sensation in the area, with a crowd gathering around the scene. The police arrived at the scene upon receiving information from the locals and began their investigation.

According to the police, the identity of the young man has been confirmed as Rajendra Kumar, a resident of Gaussganj in the Paliganj area, while the identity of the young woman is believed to be around 28 years old and a resident of Maheshpur in the same region. It is being revealed that there was a love affair between Rajendra Kumar and the woman, whose first wife had already passed away.

Two cartridges have been recovered from the crime scene, indicating that the murders were committed with firearms. The police are currently investigating the motive behind the killings and questioning several individuals. Autopsies are being conducted on both bodies, and further action will be taken in the case. The villagers are shocked by the incident and are urging the police to take the matter seriously and apprehend the culprits.

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