In Supaul’s Jadhiya Thana area, the body of a young man has been found in a deserted condition near the JBC canal. The deceased has been identified as Shankar Kumar, a 25-year-old resident of Harinaha Ward-11 in Parsagadhi South Panchayat under the jurisdiction of Jadhiya Thana. The family suspects foul play and suspects that he may have been murdered. The deceased’s cousin, Ranveer Kumar Sharma, stated that Shankar had been missing for two days.
According to sources, Shankar had left his house on Sunday evening and did not return. His family tried to contact him but his phone was switched off. Worried about his safety, they filed a missing person report at the local police station. Unfortunately, their worst fears were confirmed when Shankar’s lifeless body was discovered near the JBC canal.
The police have initiated an investigation into the case and are trying to determine the cause of Shankar’s death. They are also looking into any possible motives behind his murder. The family is devastated by the loss and is seeking justice for Shankar. The police have assured them that they will leave no stone unturned in their efforts to bring the culprits to justice.