Buxar District Court has delivered a verdict in an Arms Act case after 6 years. After examining all the evidence and listening to the witnesses, the court has reached a decision. The court has sentenced the accused to 3 years in prison and imposed a fine of Rs 10,000. The incident took place in 2017 when the youth was apprehended by the Rajapur police station and presented before the court. Since then, the trial has been ongoing and today the court has reached a verdict.

In 2017, vehicle checking was being conducted by the Rajapur police station. During this process, the accused was caught and brought before the court. The court proceedings have been going on since then and today the verdict has been delivered. After considering all the evidence and hearing the witnesses, the court has sentenced the accused to 3 years in prison and imposed a fine of Rs 10,000.

The Buxar District Court has finally delivered a verdict in an Arms Act case after a long wait of 6 years. The court has carefully examined all the evidence and listened to the witnesses before reaching a decision. The accused has been sentenced to 3 years in prison and has been fined Rs 10,000. The incident dates back to 2017 when the youth was apprehended during a vehicle checking operation conducted by the Rajapur police station. The trial has been ongoing since then, and today the court has announced its verdict.

बक्सर व्यवहार न्यायालय ने एक आर्म्स एक्ट मामले में एक युवक को 3 साल की सजा और 10 हजार रुपए का जुर्माना सुनाया है। इस मामले की घटना 2017 में हुई थी जब राजापुर थाना द्वारा युवक को पकड़ा गया था। आज कोर्ट ने फैसला सुनाया है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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