In a tragic incident in Madhubani district of Bihar, a speeding car lost control and hit four people, resulting in the death of three individuals, including a mother and her daughter. The incident took place on Tuesday morning near the Purwari Toll Plaza, which is situated near the Fulparas police station. The car, which was reportedly being driven recklessly by the District Magistrate of Madhepura, rammed into the victims, causing serious injuries.
The deceased have been identified as Gudiya Devi, a 29-year-old woman, her 4-year-old daughter Aarti Kumari, and a 60-year-old NHAI worker named Ashok Kumar Singh. Another person also sustained severe injuries and is currently in critical condition. The car involved in the accident is said to be under the possession of the District Magistrate.
The incident has sparked outrage among the locals and residents of Madhubani, who are demanding justice for the victims and strict action against the District Magistrate. The police have launched an investigation into the matter and are expected to take appropriate action against the responsible individual. The tragic incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible driving and the need to adhere to traffic rules to prevent such accidents in the future.