Car catches fire in Patna
In the Atal Path service lane near Patliputra Thana area in Patna, a Baleno car caught fire at 1 am on Monday night. The car belonged to Sanjay Kumar, a real estate businessman from Shashtrinagar, who had given the car to his friend Vishal Bhandari to attend a function. The car was completely burnt to ashes.
Police not informed
The incident took place late on Monday night, but the Patliputra Thana was not informed about it. In the morning, people gathered at the spot assuming it to be an abandoned car. After receiving information from higher authorities, the Thana in-charge and other police officers reached the spot around 9 am. Documents inside the car were also burnt.
Two people in the car
Sanjay Kumar, the owner of the car, mentioned that his friend Vishal and another person were in the car. They were going to park the car at a flat on Boring Road when suddenly the fire broke out. Two mobile phones, 14-15 ATM cards, credit cards, checkbook, hard documents, and gold jewelry were all burnt in the fire.
पटना में पाटलिपुत्र थाना क्षेत्र के अटल पथ सर्विस लेन के पास सोमवार की रात 1 बजे एक बलेनो कार में आग लग गई। गाड़ी शास्त्रीनगर के रहने वाले रियल स्टेट के कारोबारी संजय कुमार की थी। उन्होंने अपने मित्र विशाल भंडारी को फंक्शन में जाने के लिए गाड़ी दी थी, जिसमें दो लोग थे। गाड़ी पूरी तरह से जल कर खाक हो गई और उसमें मोबाइल, एटीएम कार्ड, क्रेडिट कार्ड, चेकबुक, डॉक्यूमेंट, और गोल्ड के गहने भी जल गए। पुलिसकर्मी सुबह में घटनास्थल पर पहुंचे और जांच करने के बाद गाड़ी की लापता होने की सूचना दी।