In Betiya, a five-year-old girl was raped by a neighbor who is known for his addiction to drugs. The man lured the girl under the pretext of playing and then committed the heinous act. When the girl regained consciousness, she found herself in a critical condition and the perpetrator had fled the scene. The family, upon searching for the girl, was shocked to find her unconscious and covered in blood. The incident caused panic in the area, with a crowd of people gathering. The girl was immediately taken to the hospital for primary treatment and later referred to a higher center for further care.

The incident took place in a village under the jurisdiction of the Nautan police station in the district. The villagers apprehended the 30-year-old addict and handed him over to the police after subjecting him to severe beating. The accused has been arrested and sent to jail. The station head, Khalid Akhtar, stated that the police have taken action based on the statement of the girl’s grandfather.

According to the family, the innocent girl had come to visit her maternal grandmother along with her mother. At that time, the neighbor, who was under the influence of drugs, developed affection for the girl while watching her play. He caught hold of the five-year-old and started playing with her. However, his intentions turned sinister and he raped the child. When the villagers became suspicious, the perpetrator took the girl to a nearby field under the pretext of playing and then fled after leaving her unconscious.

As the family searched for the girl, they were informed by a villager that the accused had taken her towards the field. Upon searching in that direction, they found the girl in an unconscious and critical condition, covered in blood. The family immediately brought her to Betiya for treatment, where she is currently undergoing medical care. Her condition is said to be delicate.

बेतिया में पांच साल की बच्ची का रेप हुआ है। यह रेप पड़ोस में रहने वाले नशेड़ी युवक ने किया है। जब बच्ची बेहोश हो गई तो आरोपी फरार हो गया। बच्ची को खोजते हुए उसे लथपथ बेहोश पड़ी मिली। परिजनों ने उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती करवाया। आरोपी को पुलिस ने गिरफ्तार कर जेल भेज दिया है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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