Chirag Paswan, the national president of Lok Janshakti Party, took a dig at the ruling JDU by criticizing their alliance with the BJP. During a visit to Patna airport, he stated that while it is good to see the JDU standing up for Dalit rights, there is still a rampant issue of sexual assault against Dalit girls. He emphasized the need for the government to address this issue and take action against the perpetrators. Paswan also questioned why the Chief Minister of Bihar suddenly remembers the importance of special status for the state during election time.
Furthermore, Paswan accused the government of halting reservations for Dalits in promotions. He expressed concern over the discrimination faced by Dalits in terms of career progression and urged the government to ensure equal opportunities for all. He highlighted the importance of social justice and equality in the functioning of a democratic society.
Paswan’s comments reflect his dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs in Bihar. He criticized the government for not effectively addressing the issues faced by Dalits, particularly the rising cases of sexual assault. He also questioned the political motives behind the sudden emphasis on special status for the state. Paswan’s statements highlight the need for concrete action and policies that prioritize the welfare and rights of marginalized communities.
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