Impact of Climate Change on Patna, Bihar

Rajdev Pandey, Patna: Climate change has been directly affecting the increasing range of heatwaves and irregular monsoons in Patna, Bihar. However, its impact is now being felt even during winters. The expected cold weather did not start in Kartik. Similarly, the sun is not shining well at the beginning of Agahan. In fact, this year’s November has been the hottest in seven years. The maximum temperature in November is currently two to four degrees higher than normal, while the minimum temperature is two to seven degrees higher than normal.

Record-breaking Temperatures in November 2023

According to the information, the average maximum temperature in Patna exceeded 30.4 degrees in November 2023, which is the highest in the past seven years. Previously, the average maximum temperature was 29.9 degrees in 2017, 30.2 degrees in 2018, 29.7 degrees in 2019, 28.6 degrees in 2020, 27.7 degrees in 2021, and 29 degrees in 2022. Until November 28, 2023, the average minimum temperature in Patna was 17.8 degrees. In 2017, the average minimum temperature in Patna was 15.5 degrees, 16.8 degrees in 2018, 17.7 degrees in 2019, 18.1 degrees in 2020, 12.9 degrees in 2021, and 15.4 degrees in 2022. Except for 2021, this year’s temperatures were significantly higher than previous years.

Effect on Other Cities in Bihar

In Patna, there were 19 days with maximum temperature exceeding 30 degrees. Only on November 19, the maximum temperature was 25 degrees. In November 2023, the average maximum temperature in Gaya was 29.17 and the minimum temperature was 15.12 degrees. In Bhagalpur, the average minimum temperature was 17.84 and the maximum temperature was 28.54 degrees. In Purnia, the minimum temperature was 18.19 and the maximum temperature was 30.41 degrees. In Muzaffarpur, the average minimum temperature was 19.1 and the maximum temperature was 28.52 degrees Celsius. These average temperatures were higher than normal.

Lack of Winter Rainfall and Western Disturbance

In the past five years, there has been no winter rainfall in the state during November. No western disturbances occurred this year, which are usually present in November. Therefore, cold winds did not blow. The low-pressure center in the Bay of Bengal remained effective due to the lack of western disturbances. Eastern winds are warmer compared to the cold winds from the northwest.

पटना, बिहार में रहने वाले लोगों को अब तक क्लाइमेट चेंज का सीधा असर लू के बढ़ते दायरे और मॉनसून की अनियमितता से आंका जा रहा था। लेकिन, अब इसका प्रभाव सर्दियों पर भी पड़ने लगा है। नवंबर में अपेक्षित ठंड शुरू नहीं हो सकी। इस बार का नवंबर सात साल में सबसे गर्म रहा। नवंबर में उच्चतम औसत तापमान सामान्य से दो से चार डिग्री और न्यूनतम तापमान सामान्य से दो से सात डिग्री अधिक रहा। पटना में नवंबर 2023 में औसत अधिकतम तापमान 30.4 डिग्री रहा, जो सात सालों में सबसे अधिक है। इसके साथ ही न्यूनतम तापमान भी सामान्य से अधिक रहा। राज्य में पश्चिमी विक्षोभ नहीं आया जिसके कारण ठंडी हवाएं नहीं चल सकीं। पुरवैया हवा पछुआ की तुलना में गर्म अधिक होती है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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