Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to grant Bihar the status of a special state based on the data from the caste-based census. After releasing the report of the caste census on October 2, the government presented a proposal to increase reservations in the winter session of the Bihar Legislative Assembly. After receiving approval from both houses and the Governor, the increased reservations were implemented on November 21. The following day, CM Nitish Kumar appealed to the Prime Minister through social media.
In his appeal, CM Nitish Kumar stated that Bihar has conducted the first-ever caste-based census in the country. Based on the data on the social, economic, and educational status of different castes, the reservation quota for Scheduled Castes was increased from 16% to 20%, for Scheduled Tribes from 1% to 2%, for Extremely Backward Classes from 18% to 25%, and for Backward Classes from 12% to 18%. The reservation quota for socially and economically weaker sections was increased from 50% to 65%. The reservation quota of 10% for economically weaker sections of the general category will remain unchanged.
CM Nitish Kumar further mentioned that approximately 94 lakh poor families have been identified through the caste census in Bihar. One member of each of these families will be provided financial assistance of up to INR 2 lakh for employment opportunities. A sum of INR 60,000, previously given to 63,850 homeless and landless families for land purchase, has been increased to INR 1 lakh. Additionally, these families will be provided INR 1.2 lakh for housing construction. The 39 lakh families residing in slums will also be provided pucca houses, with each family receiving INR 1.2 lakh. The financial assistance for extremely poor families under the continuous livelihood scheme has been increased from INR 1 lakh to INR 2 lakh. The implementation of these schemes requires a significant amount of funds, approximately INR 2.5 lakh crore, and it is aimed to be completed within 5 years.
CM Nitish Kumar also emphasized that if the central government grants Bihar the status of a special state, they will be able to complete these initiatives in a shorter period of time. The demand for special state status for Bihar has been made since 2010. Rally for the demand was organized on November 24, 2012, at Gandhi Maidan in Patna, and on March 17, 2013, at Ramleela Maidan in Delhi. The then central government had formed the Raghuram Rajan committee for this purpose, and its report was published in September 2013. However, no action was taken by the central government at that time. In May 2017, a letter was written to the central government requesting special state status. During the cabinet meeting, a proposal was passed to request the central government to grant Bihar the status of a special state. The appeal is for the central government to consider the interests of the people of Bihar and grant Bihar the status of a special state as soon as possible.