CM Nitish Kumar has been known to suppress any kind of slogan shouting or protest in his presence. However, recently he has either been ignoring or not stopping such protests. During a visit to Rajgir in Nalanda district, Nitish Kumar was present at the Akhada of Jarasandh. There were slogans shouted both before and after he lifted the mace, but he did not address the issue or stop the protesters.

After attending the Jarasandh Mahotsav, CM Nitish Kumar inspected the site where a 20-foot statue of Emperor Jarasandh is being constructed. He instructed officials to expedite the construction work and complete the installation of the statue within the next six months. He also emphasized the need for proper landscaping and planting of trees around the statue to enhance the beauty of the site. He also stressed the importance of providing seating arrangements for visitors.

The statue of Emperor Jarasandh will be surrounded by water, and a pathway will be constructed for easy access to the site. This visit by CM Nitish Kumar to the construction site showcases his interest and involvement in promoting cultural and historical heritage in Bihar.

Overall, CM Nitish Kumar’s recent actions suggest a more lenient approach towards protests and a focus on promoting cultural and historical heritage in the state.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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