Colder weather conditions have been reported in several districts of Bihar. The meteorological department has announced the occurrence of cold days in many areas. Patna is also experiencing a severe cold wave. This situation is expected to continue for the next three days. In view of this, the district magistrates in most districts of Bihar have declared a holiday in schools today, January 16th. However, considering the severity of the cold wave and the possibility of its continuation, this holiday may be extended. Nevertheless, many major schools in Patna, including St. Michael’s, have shifted to online mode from today.
The district administration has not yet issued any orders regarding the reopening of schools. It is being speculated that the district magistrate may issue a new order regarding the opening of schools by this afternoon or evening. However, parents are suggesting that it would be better if schools remain closed for the next four to five days. Sending children to school in such cold weather could pose health problems as their well-being may be affected.
This is an ongoing news update in English language.
बिहार के कई जिलों में शीतलहर चल रही है और मौसम विभाग ने कई इलाकों में कोल्ड डे की घोषणा की है। इसे देखते हुए बिहार के ज्यादातर जिलों में 16 जनवरी को स्कूलों में अवकाश की घोषणा की गई है। हालांकि, पटना के कुछ बड़े स्कूल ऑनलाइन मोड में चल रहे हैं। जिला प्रशासन ने अभी तक स्कूल खुलने का आदेश नहीं जारी किया है और संभवता है कि जल्द ही एक नया आदेश जारी किया जाए। अभिभावकों का कहना है कि ठंड में बच्चों को स्कूल भेजना समस्यापूर्ण हो सकता है और इसलिए उन्हें चार-पांच दिन तक स्कूल बंद रहने की सलाह दी जा रही है।