Bihar Weather: Cold Intensifies in Bihar
The cold in Bihar has become more intense with the arrival of cold winds blowing at a speed of 15-20 kilometers per hour. Patna experienced the coldest weather in the entire state on Sunday. The highest temperature recorded here was 13.5 degrees Celsius, which is 9 degrees below normal. The minimum temperature was recorded at 11.9 degrees Celsius, making it a severe cold day. Similar conditions were observed in Muzaffarpur and Vaishali as well.

Cold Day and Cold Wave Situation in Some Places
In some places like Gaya and Purnia, the difference between the minimum and maximum temperatures was only 1-3 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature in these places was around 14 degrees Celsius. However, the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has not officially declared a cold day or a cold wave. In some other parts of the state, such as Darbhanga and Bhagalpur, a mild cold day situation was observed. Some places also experienced chilly winds. The maximum temperature in most places was 4-9 degrees Celsius below normal.

Weather Forecast for Bihar
The IMD has not officially declared a cold wave yet, although the minimum temperature in most places is significantly higher than normal. For example, Patna recorded a minimum temperature that was 3 degrees higher than normal, while Gaya and Purnia recorded temperatures 4 degrees higher than normal. According to senior IMD scientist Ashish Kumar, the minimum temperature in the state is currently 10 degrees Celsius or more above normal. A western disturbance is expected to become active, causing light rainfall in some parts of southern Bihar between the 3rd and 5th of January.

Cold Day in Patna
Patna witnessed its first cold day on the last day of the year. The difference between the maximum and minimum temperatures in the city was only 1.6 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature was 13.5 degrees Celsius, which is 9 degrees below normal, and the minimum temperature was 11.9 degrees Celsius. The entire day was covered in fog, causing inconvenience to the people. The weather is expected to remain the same for the next three days, with the possibility of a slight decrease in cold from Wednesday. Clouds may cover most parts of the state, with light rain expected in some places. After that, the cold may intensify again.

No Relief from Cold until January 25th
According to weather scientists, this year’s winter season started late. Therefore, there is less possibility of relief from the cold until at least January 25th. Light rainfall is expected from January 2nd. A cyclonic system has formed in northern Haryana, which is causing changes in the weather.

बिहार में ठंड अब तेज हो गई है और पछुआ हवा की रफ्तार के कारण यहां कोल्ड डे की स्थिति बनी हुई है। रविवार को पटना में सबसे ठंड रही है और उच्चतम तापमान 13.5 डिग्री सेल्सियस दर्ज किया गया है। मुजफ्फरपुर और वैशाली में भी कोल्ड डे की स्थिति है। अन्य भागों में भी कमोबेश कोल्ड डे और शीतलहर की स्थिति रही है। जनवरी में अच्छी ठंड की संभावना है और 25 जनवरी तक ठंड से राहत की संभावना कम है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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