Kishanganj (Bihar) ★Congress MP Dr. Javed Azaad has raised questions about the use of EVM machines in all three states where the party suffered defeat. He stated that the BJP wins elections due to manipulation of EVM machines. In Kishanganj, under the leadership of Congress district president Imam Ali Chintu, a membership campaign is being conducted under the banner of Mohabbat Ki Dukaan in Ward No. 01, Mohiddinpur.

As the main guest on this occasion, Kishanganj Lok Sabha MP Dr. Javed Azaad questioned the use of EVM machines in all three states where the Congress faced defeat. He claimed that the BJP wins elections by manipulating EVM machines. The membership campaign under the leadership of Moh Janisar Akhtar is being carried out under the banner of Mohabbat Ki Dukaan in Ward No. 01, Mohiddinpur.

Dr. Javed Azaad, Congress MP from Kishanganj, has raised concerns regarding the use of EVM machines in the states where the party suffered defeat. He alleged that the BJP manipulates the EVM machines to win elections. In Kishanganj, a membership campaign is being conducted under the leadership of Moh Janisar Akhtar in Ward No. 01, Mohiddinpur, under the banner of Mohabbat Ki Dukaan.

Congress MP Dr. Javed Azaad has questioned the use of EVM machines in the states where the Congress faced defeat. He accused the BJP of winning elections through manipulation of EVM machines. In Kishanganj, a membership campaign is being carried out in Ward No. 01, Mohiddinpur, under the leadership of Moh Janisar Akhtar, under the banner of Mohabbat Ki Dukaan.

डॉ जावेद आजाद ने ईवीएम मशीन पर सवाल उठाया है और कहा है कि भाजपा ईवीएम मशीन के उलट फेर के वजह से चुनाव जीतती है। इसके साथ ही, किशनगंज में कांग्रेस जिला अध्यक्ष इमाम अली चिन्टू की अध्यक्षता में मोहिद्दीनपुर क्षेत्र में सदस्यता अभियान चलाया जा रहा है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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