Construction work was underway in a two-story house in Krishna Patti Mohalla in the city of Jamui. During the work, a laborer was severely injured on Tuesday. He was immediately admitted to a private clinic, where he unfortunately passed away on Wednesday morning during treatment. The incident was reported to the Town Police Station by the family members. The body of the deceased laborer was then taken to the Sadar Hospital. The deceased laborer has been identified as Fuleshwar Yadav, son of the late Daualat Yadav, a resident of Bharakauwa village in the Barhat Thana area.

The construction work was taking place in a three-story house in Krishna Patti Mohalla in Jamui city. A laborer was working on the site when he met with a serious accident on Tuesday. He was immediately rushed to a private clinic for treatment. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his injuries on Wednesday morning. The family members informed the police at Town Police Station about the incident. The body of the deceased laborer was then transferred to Sadar Hospital. The deceased has been identified as Fuleshwar Yadav, son of the late Daualat Yadav, a resident of Bharakauwa village in the Barhat Thana area.

A laborer was severely injured while working in a two-story house under construction in Krishna Patti Mohalla in Jamui city. The incident occurred on Tuesday, and the injured laborer was taken to a private clinic for treatment. Sadly, he passed away on Wednesday morning during the course of his treatment. The family members reported the incident to the police at Town Police Station. The body of the deceased laborer was later brought to Sadar Hospital. The deceased has been identified as Fuleshwar Yadav, son of the late Daualat Yadav, a resident of Bharakauwa village in the Barhat Thana area.

During construction work in a two-story house in Krishna Patti Mohalla in Jamui city, a laborer was involved in a serious accident on Tuesday. He was immediately admitted to a private clinic, but unfortunately, he passed away on Wednesday morning while undergoing treatment. The family members informed the police at Town Police Station about the incident. The body of the deceased laborer was then taken to Sadar Hospital. The deceased has been identified as Fuleshwar Yadav, son of the late Daualat Yadav, a resident of Bharakauwa village in the Barhat Thana area.

जमुई के कृष्णपट्टी मोहल्ला में दौरान मंगलवार को एक मजदूर गिरकर घायल हो गया। उसे एक निजी क्लीनिक में भर्ती किया गया, लेकिन उसकी मौत हो गई। परिजनों ने इसे पुलिस को रिपोर्ट की और उसका शव सदर अस्पताल में ले जाया गया। इस मजदूर की पहचान बरहट थाना क्षेत्र के भरकौवा गांव निवासी स्वर्गीय दौलत यादव के पुत्र फुलेश्वर यादव के रूप में हुई है। इस दौरान तीन मंजिले मकान में काम चल रहा था।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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