Cricket Association of Nalanda Campaign

A campaign was conducted on Sunday by the Cricket Association of Nalanda in the city to raise awareness among voters, with players and coaches participating. The association’s coach and players walked in a march to raise awareness among people. Bihar Cricket Association President Rakesh Kumar Tiwari and all players of the Cricket Association of Nalanda participated in the campaign.

Route of the Campaign

The campaign started at the NC Ground in Biharsharif, starting from the big Dargah and passing through various areas of the city such as Katrapar, Pulpar, Gadhpur, Kachahri, District Magistrate’s Office, Paper Mohalla, Hospital Mod, Bharavpar, Gaganadivan, Laheri, and back to the ground via the route of the Pukka Talab.

Participants in the Campaign

Participants in the campaign included Syed Mohammad Javed Iqbal, Gopal Singh, Vijay Prakash Punnu, Media Coordinator Santosh Kumar Pandey, Coach Haider Ali, Senior Coach and Umpire Parvez Mustafa, Deepak Kumar, Vikram Solanki, as well as senior and junior players from the district. It is worth mentioning that by May 31, the association will conduct voter awareness campaigns in many blocks of Nalanda district.

रविवार को नालंदा में क्रिकेट एसोसिएशन ने एक जागरूकता अभियान चलाया, जिसमें शहर के कई स्थानों पर कोच और खिलाड़ी ने पैदल मार्च किया। इस अभियान में बिहार क्रिकेट संघ के अध्यक्ष राकेश कुमार तिवारी और कई अन्य खिलाड़ी भाग लिए। अभियान का मुख्य उद्देश्य मतदाताओं को जागरूक करना था और इसका विस्तार 31 मई तक जारी रहेगा।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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