Patna: Criminal Sonu Patel, who was involved in criminal activities under the name of Patel Hostel, has been arrested by the Special Task Force (STF). Sonu Patel was wanted in several cases, including extortion, which had been pending for a long time. He was also listed in the top 10 most wanted criminals.

Arrested by STF:
Sonu Patel, the criminal who operated under the guise of Patel Hostel, has finally been apprehended by the Special Task Force. This arrest comes after several pending cases, including extortion, were filed against him. Sonu Patel had been evading the authorities for quite some time.

Wanted Criminal:
Sonu Patel, known for his involvement in criminal activities, had been on the run for a significant period. He was wanted in various cases, including extortion. The authorities had been actively searching for him, and his arrest is a significant breakthrough in curbing criminal activities.

Top 10 Most Wanted:
Sonu Patel’s criminal activities had earned him a place in the list of top 10 most wanted criminals. His arrest by the Special Task Force is a significant achievement in maintaining law and order in the region. The authorities are hopeful that this arrest will serve as a deterrent to other criminals involved in similar activities.

सोनू पटेल, जो कि पटना के पटेल छात्रावास के नाम पर गुंडागर्दी करने वाला अपराधी है, एसटीएफ के द्वारा पकड़ा गया है। सोनू पटेल पर कदमकुआं थाने में रंगदारी के साथ-साथ अन्य कई मामले भी दर्ज हैं, जिनमें वह लंबे समय से फरार था। वह टॉप 10 में शामिल था।

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