Current Market Prices
Gunjesh Gunjan revealed that cucumber and ridge gourd are currently selling for around 80 rupees per kilogram in the market. This information can be helpful for farmers looking to make a profit by growing these vegetables.
Diversify Your Crops
Gunjan suggests that farmers can increase their earnings by putting in a little extra effort and planting a variety of crops such as beans, sponge gourd, ridge gourd, okra, and cucumber in their unused fields. This diversification can help farmers maximize their profits and reduce risks associated with relying on a single crop.
Opportunities for Increased Income
By following Gunjan’s advice and diversifying their crops, farmers have the potential to earn more money from their harvests. With market prices for cucumber and ridge gourd on the rise, now is a great time for farmers to explore new opportunities for increased income by growing a variety of vegetables.
04 गुंजेश गुंजन ने बताया कि खीरा और कंटोला इस समय बाजार में बहुत अच्छे दामों में बिक रहे हैं। वे सुझाव दे रहे हैं कि थोड़ी सी मेहनत करके खाली पड़े खेत में लोबिया, नेनुआ, कंटोला, मनिजरा, खीरा जैसी फसलें उगाएं और अच्छे मुनाफे कमाएं।