Heading: Dairy Business Thrives in Begusarai, Bihar During Lockdown

Summary: The dairy business in Begusarai, Bihar has proven to be a lucrative venture for farmers in the region. In addition to agriculture, farmers in these areas are earning more income by selling milk to dairies. Despite the lockdown, the dairy business has continued to thrive, with milk product factories opening up rapidly to meet the growing demand. While established brands like Amul and Sudha have always had a strong demand in Begusarai, new companies are also emerging in the market.

Heading: Ramkumar Turns His Dream into Reality by Opening a Dairy in Begusarai

Summary: After 34 years, Ramkumar Singh from Sihma, Matihani district, finally realized his dream of opening a dairy in Begusarai. With a desire to create employment opportunities for locals and the ease of conducting dairy business in the region, Ramkumar opened a milk committee in 2012 and gradually expanded his business. With the help of a loan from the PMFME scheme, he was able to establish his dairy and currently provides employment to eight people. Approximately 800 farmers are associated with his business, selling their milk on a daily basis.

Heading: Profitable Dairy Business in Begusarai

Summary: Ramkumar, the operator of Begusarai Dairy, stated that they produce milk, yogurt, ghee, paneer, rasgulla, and yogurt on a daily basis to meet the market demand. They purchase 3,000 to 4,000 liters of milk from farmers daily and process it into various products that are then distributed in the markets of Begusarai district. This business brings in a daily profit of up to 4,000 rupees. After 34 years of hard work, Ramkumar has successfully turned his dream into a reality.

नीरज कुमार, बेगूसराय जिले के एक किसान हैं जो अपने द्वारा खेती की जगह दूध बेचकर कमाई करते हैं। दूध का व्यापार एक बहुत लाभदायक व्यवसाय है और यह लॉकडाउन के समय भी अच्छी तरह से चल रहा है। बेगूसराय में उनकी डेयरी कारोबार में अच्छी मांग है और वह अमूल, सुधा, अमृत जैसे प्रमुख ब्रांड्स के साथ प्रतिस्पर्धा में हैं। रामकुमार के द्वारा बढ़ाया गया डेयरी कारोबार आज उन्हें अच्छी कमाई दे रहा है और उन्होंने अंदाजे 800 किसानों को अपने व्यापार में शामिल किया है। वह रोजाना दूध के साथ-साथ दही, घी, पनीर, रसगुल्ला और दही का निर्माण करके बाजार की मांग को पूरा करते हैं। उनकी कमाई रोजाना 3 से 4 हजार रुपये तक हो रही है। रामकुमार को अपने सपनों को साकार करने में सफलता मिली है और उन्होंने रोजगार के साथ-साथ अपना व्यापार भी बढ़ाया है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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