Once upon a time, people used to raise pigeons on a large scale to send messages from one place to another. Although the trend of sending messages through pigeons has ended today, there are still enthusiasts who enjoy raising them. Pigeons, considered a symbol of peace, do not cause harm to anyone. However, not many people are aware that the cooing of pigeons in homes can have a detrimental effect on health.
Most people are unaware of this and do not put a stop to the cooing of pigeons or the construction of their nests in their homes. As a result, they may have to face life-threatening diseases.
Researchers have found that pigeons’ droppings and feathers are harmful to humans. A single pigeon can produce up to eleven and a half kilograms of droppings in a year, which harbors parasites. It is important to note that after some time, these droppings dry up and turn into dust, which then disperses in the air. Inhaling this dust can lead to allergies, difficulty in breathing, fungal infections, and more. It is alarming to know that the respiratory system, particularly the lungs, is most affected by pigeons’ droppings, causing a condition called hypersensitivity pneumonitis.
Negativity spreads
According to doctors, if this disease goes unnoticed, it can even be fatal. Not only that, having a pigeon’s nest in a home is also considered inauspicious from a religious perspective. Astrologers believe that having a pigeon’s nest in a home spreads negativity. The area around where pigeons reside creates an aura that is positive for the pigeons but negative for humans. Additionally, having a pigeon’s nest in a home creates a heavy Vastu defect, leading to unrest and poverty in the house.
आशीष कुमार एक ऐसा व्यक्ति है जो पश्चिम चम्पारण में कबूतरों का पालन करता है। जब लोग पहले कबूतरों का पालन करते थे, तो वे इसके जरिए संदेशों को भेजते थे। आज कबूतरों के जरिए संदेश भेजने का चलन तो खत्म हो चुका है, लेकिन लोगों को इन्हें पालने का शौक आज भी है। लेकिन इसकी आवाजाही से स्वास्थ्य को नुकसान हो सकता है। कबूतरों के वीड और पंख इंसानों के लिए हानिकारक होते हैं। इसके अलावा, कबूतरों के घरों में घोंसला बनाने से नकारात्मकता फैलती है और घर में अशांति और दरिद्रता के कुप्रभाव पड़ सकते हैं।