During the address, the MP praised the Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme Phase-3 and inaugurated the road connecting Sahsaram to Kahuwa in the Gaura Bauram Vidhan Sabha constituency in Darbhanga. He mentioned that this 6.110 km road, constructed at a cost of 5.77 crore, will benefit the residents of Bathnaha, Shahari, and Jagdishpur. The MP further stated that after the completion of this road, thousands of people from several villages in the area will have improved accessibility. The inauguration ceremony was met with enthusiasm and warm welcome from BJP workers and the general public.

During the address, the MP praised the Prime Minister’s Rural Road Scheme Phase-3 and inaugurated the road connecting Sahsaram to Kahuwa in the Gaura Bauram Vidhan Sabha constituency in Darbhanga. He mentioned that this 6.110 km road, constructed at a cost of 5.77 crore, will benefit the residents of Bathnaha, Shahari, and Jagdishpur. The MP further stated that after the completion of this road, thousands of people from several villages in the area will have improved accessibility. The inauguration ceremony was met with enthusiasm and warm welcome from BJP workers and the general public.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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