Shav of workers who died in Karnataka reached Patna on Wednesday. Seven workers had died after being trapped under 100 tons of maize. The police had managed to rescue one worker. A grand Dhamma Yatra for world peace was organized in Gaya. The yatra was led by Sanjeev Kumar Sinha and included participants from Japan. The yatra started from the Mahabodhi Temple complex and ended at the Japanese temple, where people prayed for world peace.
A bank in Ara was looted for lakhs of rupees and the
कर्नाटक में मरने वाले मजदूरों के शव बुधवार को पटना पहुंचे हैं। इन मजदूरों की मौत 100 टन मक्के के नीचे दबने से हुई थी। पुलिस ने एक म