Boosting Crop Yield with Deep Ploughing
If you are a farmer and have completed deep ploughing in your fields this month, consider it a year’s worth of hard work. Now, this hard work will show its colors. The key is to do the deep ploughing in the intense heat of the sun. This will destroy the hidden pests in the soil, increase its fertility, and enhance its nutrient capacity.
Significance of Summer Deep Ploughing
To increase crop yield, deep ploughing in the summer months is crucial. Agricultural scientists say that digging the soil and leaving it exposed during the hot summer helps the sun’s rays directly treat the soil. This results in the destruction of all pests and diseases in the soil. Moreover, it helps in water flow regulation, controlling weeds, and improving root growth. Additionally, farmers benefit from reduced costs, while crop yields can increase by up to 20%.
Tips for Effective Deep Ploughing
In June, it is essential to perform deep ploughing to enhance soil quality and crop productivity. The summer deep ploughing should be done from April to June to improve soil quality. It helps in preventing harmful pests on winter or summer crops, as they are destroyed by the intense heat. By following certain guidelines like ploughing in the opposite direction of the field slope, ensuring adequate moisture after harvest for deep ploughing, and creating large ridges in sandy soil, farmers can significantly benefit from deep ploughing practices.
गर्मियों में पश्चिम चम्पारण में खेती करने वाले किसानों के लिए गहरी जुताई का महत्व बहुत अधिक है। इससे जमीन में छुपे कीट पतंगे नष्ट हो जाते हैं और फसलों की पैदावार बढ़ती है। यह न केवल कीटों से छुटकारा दिलाता है, बल्कि खेत में नमी भी बनाए रखता है और उसमे गुणवत्ता भरता है। इससे किसानों की लागत कम होती है और उन्हें अधिक उत्पादन मिलता है। इसीलिए जून में गहरी जुताई करना अत्यंत महत्वपूर्ण है।