Lalu Prasad and Tejashwi Yadav’s file photo. The Delhi Rouse Avenue Court has sent Amit Katyal to judicial custody until 5th December in the case of job in exchange for land. It should be noted that the Enforcement Directorate (ED), which is investigating the money laundering case related to taking land in exchange for a job in the railway, had arrested Amit Katyal on 11th November and interrogated him. After the remand period ended, the ED produced Amit in court on Wednesday.

In the money laundering case, the ED had arrested the former IAS officer and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) leader Prem Chand Gupta’s son-in-law, Amit Katyal. The ED is investigating the allegations that Amit had taken land worth crores of rupees in Patna in exchange for a job in the railway. The ED had also questioned Tejashwi Yadav, the leader of the opposition in the Bihar Assembly, in connection with this case. The investigation is ongoing to uncover any more links in this case.

The court has now sent Amit Katyal to judicial custody until 5th December. The case revolves around allegations of taking land in exchange for a job, which is being probed by the Enforcement Directorate. The investigation has led to the arrest of Amit Katyal and the questioning of Tejashwi Yadav. The court will further review the case and gather more evidence in order to reach a Short.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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