Jharkhand High Court has taken cognizance of the Dhanbad jail murder case and conducted a hearing. The hearing took place in a high-security mode, with the presence of the jail IG, Umashankar Singh. During the hearing, Singh provided information about the current situation and the steps taken so far. The court asked the government’s counsel, Rajeev Ranjan, if there is a larger conspiracy and political angle involved in this murder case. The court also questioned whether the state government can conduct an investigation at the headquarters level. The court has given the government one week to answer these questions, and the next hearing is scheduled for December 12.
During the hearing, the government’s counsel, Rajeev Ranjan, and lawyer Piyush Chitresh represented the government’s side in the murder case. Meanwhile, Jail IG Umashankar Singh appeared virtually before the court and answered the court’s questions. Singh provided information about the steps taken in the case.
During the hearing, Singh informed the court that a three-member committee consisting of DM Law and Order, Additional Superintendent, and City SP of Dhanbad has been formed. This committee is investigating whether there was a security lapse in the jail. In addition to this committee, the CID IG is also conducting an investigation. During the investigation, the team recovered two pistols and six mobile phones from the jail. The identity of the shooter has also been established.
Singh also informed the court that four primary investigations have been registered in this murder case. The main accused, Sundar Mahato, is being interrogated after being taken into remand. After the investigation, seven wardens, including the Jailor of Dhanbad Mandal Jail, have been suspended. It has also been mentioned that 23 prisoners will be shifted to another jail in the state.
जेल में हुए हत्याकांड के मामले में झारखंड हाईकोर्ट ने सुनवाई की है। इस मामले में सरकार द्वारा जांच की मांग की गई है और एक तीन सदस्यीय कमिटी भी बनाई गई है। इसके अलावा गोली चलाने वाले की पहचान कर ली गई है और चार प्राथमिकी दर्ज कराई गई है। सात कक्षपालों को निलंबित कर दिया गया है और 23 कैदियों को दूसरे जेल में शिफ्ट किया जाएगा।