Dhanbad: Police have started the search for a woman who provided shelter to a minor in a case of sexual assault at the station. The railway police are examining the footage from the CCTV cameras installed at the station. It is being said that the girl informed the police that the woman used to keep her near the ATM located near the railway enquiry counter. When the railway police arrived for investigation, they found CCTV footage at that location.

The police have started searching for a woman who provided shelter to a minor in a case of sexual assault at the station. They are examining the CCTV footage from the cameras installed at the station. The girl informed the police that the woman used to keep her near the ATM located near the railway enquiry counter. The railway police found CCTV footage at that location.

The police have started searching for a woman who provided shelter to a minor in a case of sexual assault at the station. They are examining the CCTV footage from the cameras installed at the station. The girl informed the police that the woman used to keep her near the ATM located near the railway enquiry counter. The railway police found CCTV footage at that location.

The police have started searching for a woman who provided shelter to a minor in a case of sexual assault at the station. They are examining the CCTV footage from the cameras installed at the station. The girl informed the police that the woman used to keep her near the ATM located near the railway enquiry counter. The railway police found CCTV footage at that location.

कैमरा फुटेज में महिला नाबालिग को गोद लेती हुई दिखाई दी। मामले की जांच चल रही है और पुलिस ने महिला की खोजबीन शुरू कर दी है।

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