Title: Book Donation Campaign Launched in Dubetola Village

Dubetola village in Parihar block, Bihar, known as the first child marriage-free village, has initiated another unique initiative. A group of youths in the village is running a campaign against child labor. This campaign, involving various organizations and the district administration, aims to raise awareness through rallies, awareness programs, street plays, etc.

Book Donation Campaign:
The members of the Child Protection Committee, Chandan Manjhi and Indra Kumari, initiated the “Book Donation” campaign to establish a library in the Mahadalit basti of Dubetola. The village is now filled with enthusiasm after the launch of this initiative.

Elimination of Child Labor:
Dubetola, located near the Nepal border, used to witness child trafficking due to its geographical location. However, through the relentless efforts of the Save Childhood Movement, various programs were organized to attract children towards education, resulting in the eradication of child labor. The children in the village are now attending high school and middle school, making the village completely child marriage-free and child labor-free.

Importance of Library:
Dubetola village, being child marriage-free, requires the establishment of a library to promote education among children. To fulfill this need, a collective book donation campaign has been initiated. On the first day of the campaign, some books were already donated. The support and cooperation of everyone in the village are expected to make this initiative successful.

The village head, Dhaneshwar Paswan, stated that Dubetola is now a child marriage-free village, and the establishment of a library is crucial to encourage education among children. He also mentioned that a request will be made to the district administration for the allocation of a space for the library. Chandan Manjhi, a member of the Child Protection Committee, emphasized the importance of determination and mentioned that everything is possible with the inspiration from the revered mountain sage, Baba Dashrath Manjhi.

दूबेटोला गांव में बाल श्रम के खिलाफ एक अभियान चलाया जा रहा है जिसमें युवाओं की टोली शामिल है। इस अभियान के तहत रैली, जागरूकता कार्यक्रम और नुक्कड़ नाटक किए जा रहे हैं। इसके साथ ही, दूबेटोला गांव में पुस्तकालय की व्यवस्था करवाने के लिए ‘किताब दान’ अभियान भी शुरू किया गया है। इस पहल के बाद गांव में उत्साह का माहौल है। दूबेटोला गांव बाल विवाह मुक्त और बाल श्रम मुक्त गांव हो चुका है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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