Jharkhand is experiencing the impact of the cyclonic storm ‘Mekunu’ in the southern part of the Bay of Bengal, including Ranchi. The sky remained cloudy throughout Sunday, and on Monday, there are chances of increased cloud cover and deepening of clouds. Tuesday is expected to see a rapid change in weather, with chances of rain in the southern and central parts of the state.
According to the weather department, the maximum impact of the storm ‘Mekunu’ will be seen on December 6th and 7th. Clouds will be dense and there is a forecast of light to moderate rainfall in the entire state during these two days. After that, there may be a drop in maximum temperature by six to seven degrees. From December 8th, the clouds will become lighter, leading to increased cold weather across the state.
The cyclonic storm ‘Mekunu’ is expected to hit the northern coast of Andhra Pradesh and the northern coast of Tamil Nadu on Monday morning. It will then move towards the north through Nellore and Machilipatnam. There is a possibility of its impact being seen in Jharkhand during the next 24 hours. This may result in rainfall in the southern and central parts of the state, including Ranchi.
Temperature in Major Districts:
★Ranchi: Maximum ★27.6 degrees, Minimum ★16.3 degrees
★Jamshedpur: Maximum ★30.4 degrees, Minimum ★18.4 degrees
★Medininagar: Maximum ★30.4 degrees, Minimum ★16.9 degrees
★Bokaro: Maximum ★28.1 degrees, Minimum ★17.3 degrees
★Deoghar: Maximum ★30.1 degrees, Minimum ★17.0 degrees
★Garhwa: Maximum ★28.6 degrees, Minimum ★15.8 degrees
★Godda: Maximum ★30.6 degrees, Minimum ★16.6 degrees
★Sahibganj: Maximum ★28.9 degrees, Minimum ★16.2 degrees
★Simdega: Maximum ★28.5 degrees, Minimum ★16.1 degrees
On Monday morning, there will be partial cloud cover after the fog, but on Tuesday, there will be dense clouds and light rain in Ranchi and the southern parts of the state. ★Abhishek Anand, Meteorologist, Ranchi Meteorological Centre.
झारखंड में बंगाल की खाड़ी के दक्षिणी हिस्से में चक्रवाती तूफान मिचौंग का असर दिख रहा है। आज सुबह से ही रांची सहित राज्य के दक्षिणी और मध्य भागों में बादल छाए हुए हैं और मंगलवार को मौसम में तेजी से बदलाव होने की संभावना है। इसके बाद छह और सात दिसंबर को मिचौंग का ज्यादा असर दिखेगा और इन दिनों में पूरे राज्य में हल्के से मध्यम बारिश का पूर्वानुमान है। आठ दिसंबर से बादल हल्के होंगे और ठंड बढ़ेगी। इसके साथ ही आज सुबह मिचौंग तूफान आंध्र प्रदेश के दक्षिणी और तमिलनाडु के उत्तरी तट से टकराएगा और झारखंड में भी इसका प्रभाव दिख सकता है।