Electrocution Tragedy in Bhojpur

In a tragic incident in Panch Ke Tola village in the Tire Thana area of Bhojpur district, an elderly woman lost her life due to coming in contact with an electrified wire on Wednesday. The incident caused a stir among the people in the area. The deceased, identified as a resident of Panch Ke Tola village, was in the garden next to her house to graze the cows when she accidentally touched an electrified wire surrounding the field, resulting in her immediate death.

Family’s Grief

The husband of the deceased, Seetaram Singh, explained that she had gone to graze the cows in the garden next to their house when the tragic incident occurred. The sons of the deceased informed the relatives present at the scene about the incident, who then informed the local police station. The family members, upon receiving the news, rushed to the spot and took the body for post-mortem to the Sadar Hospital.

Victim’s Family Details

The deceased woman, identified as Dhanati Devi, had five daughters ★Phoolkesari Devi, Geeta Devi, Sunita Devi, Rajkumari Devi, and four sons ★Sudarshan Singh, Nandkishor Singh alias Guddu, Vijay Singh, and Deepu Kumar Singh. The entire family is devastated by the tragic incident, with all members in deep sorrow and grief.

Post-Mortem and Investigation

The local police station was informed about the incident, and the body was taken for post-mortem at the Sadar Hospital. The authorities are investigating the case to determine the circumstances that led to the electrocution of the elderly woman in Panch Ke Tola village. The family and the community are mourning the loss of a beloved member and seeking justice for the tragic incident.

भोजपुर जिले के तीयर थाना क्षेत्र के पंच के टोला गांव में बुधवार को विद्युत प्रवाहित तार की चपेट में आने से एक वृद्ध महिला की मौत हो गई। घटना को लेकर लोगों के बीच अफरा-तफरी का आलम रहा। मृतका के पति सीताराम सिंह ने बताया कि वह घर के बगल में स्थित बगीचे में गाय चराने के लिए गई थी, और विद्युत प्रवाहित तार की चपेट में आ गई। उसकी मौत के बाद परिजनों ने उसका पोस्टमॉर्टम सदर अस्पताल में करवाया। मृतका के परिवार के सदस्यों का रो-रोकर बुरा हाल है।

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