Incident in Gobarghusi Panchayat of Batalluka Village under Patamda Police Station Area in Jamshedpur

On Thursday night around 11 PM, a herd of seven elephants entered Batalluka village under Gobarghusi Panchayat in the jurisdiction of Patamda Police Station in Jamshedpur. The elephants caused havoc in the village, damaging crops and property.

Elephants Create Panic in Batalluka Village

The elephants created panic among the villagers as they moved through the village. The residents were terrified and tried to scare away the elephants by making loud noises and lighting torches. However, their efforts were in vain as the elephants continued to wreak havoc in the area.

Damage to Crops and Property

The elephants caused extensive damage to crops and property in Batalluka village. They destroyed several hectares of farmland, trampling over crops and leaving behind destruction in their wake. Additionally, the elephants also damaged houses and other structures in the village.

Efforts to Drive Away the Elephants

Authorities were informed about the elephant intrusion, and forest officials rushed to the scene to drive away the elephants. They used firecrackers and made loud noises to scare away the elephants. After several hours of efforts, the elephants were finally driven away from the village, bringing relief to the residents.

जमशेदपुर के पटमदा थाना क्षेत्र में गोबरघुसी पंचायत के बाटालुका गांव में गुरुवार की रात करीब 11 बजे सात हाथियों का एक झुंड आया था। इन हाथियों ने शुक्रवार की सुबह 6 बजे तक गांव के कुछ एरिया में मचाया भयंकर हाहाकार। इस हमले में कोई नुकसान नहीं हुआ है लेकिन लोग डर गए थे। उन्होंने तत्परता के साथ इस मामले की जांच के लिए पुलिस को सूचित किया है।

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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