Bihar Weather: Temperature Fluctuations Continue in Bhagalpur District
The temperature in Bhagalpur district of Bihar continues to fluctuate. On Sunday, there was an increase of one degree Celsius in the maximum temperature, while the minimum temperature dropped by 2.4 degrees Celsius. The maximum temperature on Sunday was 17.0 degrees Celsius, while the minimum temperature was 5.0 degrees Celsius. On Saturday, the maximum temperature was 16 degrees Celsius, and the minimum temperature was 7.4 degrees Celsius. The weather department has predicted a decrease in temperature until January 16. There will be fog in the morning and mild sunshine during the day. There is a possibility of light winds blowing, with an average speed of 2 to 6 kilometers per hour.
Impact of Cold Wave in Bihar: Decrease in Revenue and Passenger Numbers
The severe cold wave in Bihar has not only affected the trains in Bhagalpur but has also started to impact revenue. Due to the intense cold, there has been a decrease in the number of passengers in the last two to three days, which is having a significant impact on revenue. In the past two days, there has been a significant decrease in revenue at the Bhagalpur railway station. Revenue has halved, and there has been a sharp decline in ticket sales at the reservation counter and general ticket counter. The decrease in passenger numbers is also evident in the reduction of waiting lists for some trains.
Advice for Farmers: Light Increase in Temperature Expected
The nodal officer of rural agricultural services at Bihar Agriculture University, Dr. Sunil Kumar, has advised farmers that there may be a slight increase in temperature from January 17. He advises farmers to protect wheat crops from strong winds and irrigate vegetables as per their needs. Continuous monitoring is also recommended for the prevention of pests in maize and the possible occurrence of the late blight disease in potato crops.
Significant Decrease in Revenue: From 20 lakhs to 9 lakhs
The revenue of Bhagalpur railway station has significantly decreased due to the intense cold. Previously, the revenue for the station was around 20 lakhs per day, but it has now decreased to around 9 lakhs per day. In just two days, there has been a loss of approximately 20 lakhs in revenue. If the cold weather continues, it is expected that revenue will continue to be affected. However, once the cold wave subsides, the situation is expected to return to normal. The ticket counters are currently experiencing a lull in activity, with little to no tickets being sold.
बिहार के भागलपुर जिले में तापमान की वृद्धि और कमी जारी है। रविवार को अधिकतम तापमान में एक डिग्री सेल्सियस की वृद्धि हुई जबकि रात के तापमान में 2.4 डिग्री सेल्सियस की कमी आई है। रविवार के अधिकतम तापमान 17.0 डिग्री सेल्सियस रहा जबकि न्यूयतम 5.0 डिग्री सेल्सियस था। इससे पहले शनिवार को अधिकतम तापमान 16 डिग्री व न्यूनतम 7.4 डिग्री सेल्सियस था। मौसम विभाग ने 16 जनवरी तक तापमान में कमी का पूर्वानुमान किया है। सुबह कोहरा रहेगा, दिन में हल्की धूप निकलेगी। इस दौरान पछिया हवा चलने की संभावना है, हवा की औसत गति 2 से 6 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटा रह सकती है। बिहार कृषि विवि के नोडल पदाधिकारी ने किसानों को सलाह दी है कि तेज हवा में गेंहू में छिड़काव से बचें और सब्जियों को आवश्यकता अनुसार सिंचाई करें। अभी माहू कीट के प्रकोप की आशंका और आलू की फसल में पिछौती झुलसा रोग लगने की आशंका लगी रहती है।