For those with a sweet tooth in the capital city of Patna, there is no shortage of delicious treats to enjoy. However, one sweet in particular stands out from the rest ★the famous Kala Jamun from the Kala Diara area. This sweet shop located on SP Verma Road has been winning hearts with its aroma and taste for over 50 years.
History and Specialties
The shop, known as Rai Ji’s shop, is renowned for its Kala Jamun, but also offers other delicacies such as Chhena Sponge, Cham Cham, Samosas, Kachori, and Chana ki Ghugni. All sweets are priced at Rs. 20 per piece, except for Samosas which are priced at Rs. 25 for two pieces. The price of Kala Jamun has increased over the years due to rising costs of ingredients like buffalo milk, khoya, and flour.
Preparation and Popularity
The magic of the Kala Jamun lies in its preparation, as explained by the maker Ajit. The buffalo milk mawa is mashed and mixed with baking soda, then softened with buffalo milk ghee before being cooked in a kadhai. A special syrup is prepared by the craftsmen, adding cardamom and secret ingredients for aroma, sourced exclusively from Kala Diara. The sweet has gained popularity not only among the locals but also among politicians and officials who frequent the shop for their share of sweet delights.
पटना के काला दियारा क्षेत्र में स्थित एसपी वर्मा रोड पर स्थित ये मिठाई की दुकान काला जामुन की खासियत से मशहूर है। यहां काला जामुन के अलावा छेना स्पॉन्ज, चमचम, समोसे, कचौड़ी और चना की घुघनी भी मिलती है। दुकान की कीमतें भी महंगाई के साथ बढ़ी हैं, लेकिन यहां की मिठाइयां सभी को खूब पसंद आती हैं और इसे बड़े-बड़े नेता और अफसर भी पसंद करते हैं। जानकारी के अनुसार, काला जामुन बनाने के लिए भैंस के दूध, खोया, मैदा और चाशनी का उपयोग किया जाता है जिससे इसका स्वाद बेहद लाजवाब होता है।