A tragic road accident in Madhubani, Bihar has claimed the lives of three people. The incident occurred on NH 57 in the Fulparas police station area. On Tuesday morning, a speeding Innova car ran over four people, resulting in the death of three of them. The incident caused panic in the area, with a crowd gathering around the scene. Locals took control of the Innova car and started causing a ruckus. They claim that the car belongs to the District Magistrate of Madhepura. Among the deceased were a woman and two men. The crowd alleges that after the accident, the security personnel of the DM fled with him.

The road accident in Madhubani, Bihar resulted in the tragic death of three people. The incident took place on NH 57 in the Fulparas police station area. An Innova car, traveling at a high speed, struck four individuals, leading to the demise of three of them. The accident caused a frenzy in the vicinity, with people gathering around the scene. Locals took possession of the Innova car and began creating chaos. According to their claims, the car belongs to the District Magistrate of Madhepura. Among the deceased were a woman and two men. The crowd accuses the DM’s security personnel of fleeing with him after the accident.

Serving "जहाँ Indian वहाँ India" Since 2014. I Started News Desk in Early Days of India Internet Revolution and 4G. I write About India for Indians.

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